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Sunday, 31 May 2015

One Bobble Wonders

Hey  !
I wanted to do a post on hairstyles but I didn't really know what hairstyle to do , and then I had a mega brain wave ! Personally I'm always in a rush , and need really quick hairstyles to do , that also only need to use one bobble (hair-tie ) and a minimum amount of hair-slides as I always lose those kind of things  ( please say I'm not the only one !) That gave me the idea to do a post on One Bobble Hairstyles.
Braided Pony:
I'm not sure if this hairstyle has already been thought of ,or whether it has a better name (  i'm really bad at naming things as you can see ) but I thought this is a really cute way to spice up a boring ponytail .
•Start off by  tying your hair in a basic pony tail ( simply just take all of your hair and tie it up )
• Then get a small chunk of hair from the ponytail  ( the longest area )  and split that chunk into three parts , and then braid (plait) it normally . If you don't know how to do a plait , I am now going to do my best at explaining how to , in words ~ So , start off by taking one of the side parts (within the three parted chunk of hair) and pull it over the middle part (eg: if you started with the left side - you take the left side and put it over the middle so now the left side is in the middle - if that made sense ?) You then take the right part and pull it over the new middle part (the original left ) and then get the original middle (which should be on the left side ) and pull that over the original right .After that just continue doing the same thing (pulling the side parts over the middle part etc.) ~ Yay , I did better than I thought I would (even though I just realised I could have just said the last  bit of the explanation, but you know what they say - details are caring... they don't say that ? Well I guess I just started something new ;-) )
•After braiding the area of hair , you are going to hold the braid by the end , making sure it doesn't come loose , and you are then going to wrap it round the pony tail ( so where the bobble would be )  and then tuck the extra bit of the braid into the bobble . It will look like the braid is the bobble ( if your worried you did it wrong !)
Messy Bun:
Oh yes , you can do these with one bobble , say what! Well here we go .
• Start off by tying your hair into a pony tail wherever you like (whether you want a high messy bun or low messy bun - is that even a thing?!)
• You are then going to twist the pony tail round , so it is easy to manage , and then you are going to wrap it around the bobble , and tuck the end into the bobble (hair-tie or whatever you call it ).
•That is basically the hairstyle done , it usually looks fine with a slight messy look to it , but if you feel the need to , you can shape it however you like and add in a few hair-slides .
Dutch Braid :
Well this is going to be hard to explain ! Just remember how to do a braid , and you'll be fine !
• Start off by separating your hair into two equal parts . Then get one part and separate a small part of hair from it .
•Begin to braid the small part of hair , but as you braid it , add in a bit more hair from the remaining of the big part of hair  ( eg: If you were about to place the right part over the middle part , take some hair from the big part and add it to the right part and then place it over the middle !) You won't be able to use ALL of the big part of hair - wow that sounds weird - anyway just keep going until you reach about five centimetres before the end of your hair , and then just continue to braid it normally , without adding extra parts of hair (Seriously why does this sound so weird ?)
• Finish off by tying the end of the braid , and voila ! You're done .
Simple Braid :
This one is very easy , if you know how to do a plait .
•Begin by separating a small amount of hair from the rest .
• Then braid the bit of hair , normally , and you're done .Told you it was simple ! The size of the braid is your choice , whether you want a thin or chunky one , you choose!
Princess Plait :
Again , I don't know the proper name for this , but I know it's been done before (in this way , I'm not so sure . ..) Anyway let's get started !
• So get a small part of hair ( ideally , the hair closest to your face )
•You then braid it normally and tie it at the end .
• Then , go to the other side of your hair/face ,and in around the same position , separate approximately the same amount of hair as you did the first time , and braid it normally again.
• Make sure to hold the braid that doesn't have a bobble to keep it fastened . You are then going to pull both braids to the back of your head , and then quickly pull of the bobble for the first braid , substituting it with the grip of you hand .
•You then merge (icky word alert) the ends of both braids together and quickly tie them together like a pony tail.
• You can then leave it like that , or add in a few hair-slides etc .
Simple Up-Tie/Bun/Braid :
This is a very simple hairstyle , in which you can add in your own twists .Here are some ideas !
•Start by getting a chunk of your hair from the top , and separate it from the bottom .Once you are happy with it (There are no bumpy areas of hair here and there -again, apologies if this sounds really ...odd) then get a bobble and tie it .
• Then split the chunk of hair in two , and pull each side to add more volume . You can now leave it like this or add in the following (or if you have any other ideas ):
For this , all you need to do is to twist the top, separated part of hair ( so it is easy to manage) and then wrap it around the bobble , and then tuck in the end (very similar to the technique for the messy bun)
This alternate version uses the same technique as the braided pony (ooh look at me referring to my own name !) Take a small bit off the top, separated area , and braid it . Then hold the end of the braid whilst wrapping it around the bobble , and then simply tuck in the end of the braid into the bobble !
So, they were my favourite 'One Bobble Wonders' I do have more , but I decided to just go with these for today , but if you want to know the others , then please leave a comment saying so ( because otherwise I wouldn't know , obviously !) Also if you have another 'One Bobble Wonder' I'd love to hear it , so leave a comment on that too !
Bye !

Friday, 22 May 2015

Homemade Lip-Balm Tutorial

Yes , I know it's been a long time , but I was extremely busy - still that's not an excuse , but , to make up for it ,I have plenty ( as in 2 or 3) posts planned ! Yay !
  Today I wanted to share a really cute tutorial for lip-balms! At the moment everybody is going wild about these lip-balms called EOS , and as usual , i'm missing the trend (Only because I have already made plans for my monthly allowance , which sadly goes into next year , meaning it will be a long time till I can buy some EOS for myself !) Eventually I will get them , but that probably will be when the trend has died down , as I always get something just as the whole craze has ended !(Trust my awkwardness !) So whilst I wait for my allowance to buy everything I need at the moment , I decided to make my own lip-balms ! Hope you like this simple and easy tutorial !
Things you will need :
Chapstick (Be prepared to chop it !)
Small Tub ( or any small container )
Method :
So, start off by cutting a bit of chapstick (Around  1cm ) .Put the bit of chapstick in a bowl , and then crush it with a spoon .
Then scoop 1 tablespoon of Vaseline into the bowl , and mix both of the ingredients (yes I'm aware it sounds like we're baking a cake ) together .
Then put  the bowl into the microwave for 30 seconds . If you're using the same type of bowl I used make sure to transfer the mixture into a microwavable bowl .
After you take out the bowl , you can add any extra ingredients ( A different bit of chapstick etc.) This is completely optional .
You then scoop the final lip-balm  mixture into a small tub (or any other small container)  and leave it - without the lid - in the fridge overnight !
Finally , you can now apply the  lip-balm  to your lips !
So , there you go ! That's the tutorial for super sweet lip-balms ! If any of you guys try this out send me a picture ! I'd love to see your creations !
         Bye !
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